The Missing Package Manager for macOS
General help: brew --help
Search for a package: brew search <package>
Get info about a package: brew info <package>
Install a package (formula or cask): brew install [--no-quarantine] [--cask] <package>
I normally don’t use the optional --cask
flag, brew is clever enough to know which I want most of the time; and prompts me for which when ambiguous.
ensures you don’t get the security confirmation dialog on opening a cask for first time.
refers to a cli app or lib while cask
refers to a full “gui” application
Remove a package: brew uninstall <package>
Update/Upgrade all packages: brew update && brew upgrade [--greedy]
flag is for those apps that have auto-update enabled. I use it always, instead of upgrading individual app.Cleanup everything: brew autoremove && brew cleanup [--prune=all]
List of all formulae explicitly installed (without deps): brew leaves